School counselors work to maximize student success, promoting access and equity for all students by creating a school counseling program based on the three standards, Social/emotional, Academic and college/Career. At Manning, we provide various support in the three areas. Some of these include, small group lessons, classroom lessons, ICAP (Individual Career and Academic Plan), one on one meetings, check-ins to name a few.
The The Manning School Mental Health Team supports the school's three main tenants of Academic Rigor, High Behavioral Expectations and Parent Involvement.
Student Mental Health Support Request Form
Students, If you would like to speak to a counselor or other mental health staff about something, please fill out this Student Mental Health Support Request form and someone will reach out to you.
Course Registration
View information on course offerings, course selection and registration at Manning.
Individualized Career & Academic Plan (ICAP)
ICAPs help guide Manning students and families in their exploration of career, academic and postsecondary opportunities.
Mental Health Supports
Manning promotes a safe, positive learning environment by supporting mental health.
Student Records & Transcripts
Jeffco students and families can access official records and transcripts.
Transitioning from Elementary School
Resources are available for Manning students and families as they transition from elementary school.
High School Credit for Middle School Students
Students have the opportunity to earn high school credit by completing certain courses in middle school.
Preparing for High School
Resources are available for Manning students and families as they prepare for high school.