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Preparing for High School

Starting high school is an exciting event in a student’s life and can also be a challenging time as well. By definition, transition means the change from one place, state of being, or condition to another place, state of being, or condition. 

This transition means a whole new school building, new teachers, new classmates, and notably more challenging material along with enhanced postsecondary planning and graduation requirements. This transition affects adolescents’ academic experiences, motivation, self-perception, and self-regulation. This process also affects parents and teachers. 

Effective transition programs help students move to a new school and become a part of the new school.  With the implementation of transition programs and the support of parents, teachers, administrators, and mental health professionals, this transition can positively impact students both socially and academically. 

High School Enrollment Information

Most Manning students go on to attend various high schools within the Jeffco district. We will update high school enrollment information here as we receive it, but please refer to each high school's website for the most accurate, up to date information.

High school registration information

Dates will be updated as we receive information from the High Schools.

Upcoming events

Arvada West High School

Golden High School

Lakewood High School

Ralston Valley High School

Wheat Ridge High School

High School Dates and Visits

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