School Finder
With School Finder, there are three easy ways to learn about schools:
- By name
- By proximity
- By other criteria like Dual Language, special education, gifted, Montessori, Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and more.
With EnrollJeffco, you can enroll in your neighborhood school or choice enroll at a different school that may be a better fit for your student's unique needs.
School Insights
With School Insights you can view data on school culture, teacher-to-student ratios, student academic performance and information about each school.
Enroll at Manning School of Academics & Arts
Choice Enrollment Process at Manning
Visit this enrollment information document for more information.
Why Should You Attend Manning?
Learn more about what Manning offers and why you should attend.
Student Registration & Fees
Find information on Manning student registration and school fees.
Take a school tour and find out more about Manning.
Enrollment Timeline
Enrollment Timeline for the 2025-26 School Year
- December 5, 2024: Round 1 enrollment window for the 2025-26 school year opens
- January 17, 2025: Round 1 enrollment window for the 2025-26 school year closes
- January 23, 2025: Round 2 enrollment for the 2025-26 school year opens
- January 28, 2025: Lottery results sent to families